Football Equipment Checklist for Coach and Manager

Role of Manager in Football,

by Reuben Rai for



I am posting this to help manager do well in the football life as manager and coach. This tips could be a great help for a new manager and a new coach as they venture into football world as coaching carrier.

Role of General Manager

General Manager is the head of the Managers and he should closely oversee their works.

  1. Team Manager
  2. Kits Manager
  3. Financial Manager, (Not the Treasurer),
  4. Physiotherapist,
  5. Transportation Manager,
  6. Media Officer,
  1. Team Manager and his role
    • 1.1 Balls and Air Pomp
    • 1.2 Bibs, two colors
    • 1.3 Captain Band, multi colors
    • 1.4 Cone and Markers
    • 1.5 Ladders
    • 1.6 Free Kick Bars
    • 1.7 Slalom Poles
    • 1.8 Goalkeepers Dummy, Free Kick Mannequins
    • 1.9 Ball Bags
    • 1.10 Hurdles
    • 1.11 Pen and Papers
    • 1.12 Jersey, two colors at least,
    • 1.13 Stockings, two colors
    • 1.14 Adhesive Tape, Medical Tape,
    • 1.15 Water Bottle Carriers
    • 1.16 Orientation/briefing on needed time for needed issues,
    • 1.17 Communication with hotel,
    • 1.18 Travel arrangement and food,
    • 1.19 Track all the football incidents like, rule, name list, cards,
    • 1.20 Reach hotel hours before the team’s arrival and divide the rooms,
    • 1.21 Carry Club Stamp and Logo, and Club Letter Pad,
    • 1.22 Carrying necessary club documents like Registration Certificate, Tax Clearance, Pan no, Bank details, Photocopy of Nagarikta,
    • 1.22 Computer, stitch, Files and Envelop.
    • 1.23 Players release papers, MOU, NOC, any needful.
    • 1.24 Name list feeling or FIFA-connect upload, (should carry computer).

2. Kits Manager and his role

    • 2.1 Water and drinks ready during match,
    • 2.2 Fruits,
    • 2.3 Vigilant in the ground for helping,
    • 3.4 Giving away Jersey and stockings,
    • 2.5 Collecting Jersey for washing,
    • 2.6 Looking for parking facilities,
    • 2.7 Schedule training time, venue and travel arrangement,
    • 2.8 Preparing exchange flag, token of love, Souvenirs to organizers,
    • 2.9 Whistle,
    • 2.10 Club Flag,
    • 2.11 Flex: ‘Church Boys United, Lalitpur, Nepal’ need during winning group photo.
    • 2.12 Printed records of Invitation letter, Confirmation letter, Rules,
    • 2.13 Some extra Jersey just in case, jersey lost, torn,
    • 2.14 Board, Marker, Eraser and Stand,
    • 2.15 Ice and Ice Box,
    • 2.16 Gear Bag for equipment,
    • 2.17 Practice T-shirts,
    • 2.18 Theraband,
    • 2.19 Seal or Stamp all Club’s property.

3. Financial Manager and his works

    • 3.1 Financial dealing with players and payment,
    • 3.2 Issuing Voucher, Signing, Receipts,
    • 3.3 Collecting all valid bills and billing,
    • 3.4 Without financial manager’s approval no one should buy anything,
    • 3.5 TDS deposit duration and credit check acceptance,
    • 3.6 Meeting with Organizer for necessary financial issues, with manager, upon arrival, reporting to organizer,
    • 3.7 Put enough balance in phone,
    • 3.8 Make sure all online banking are up to date,
    • 3.9 Carry Club letter pad, stamp and Logo,

4. Physiotherapist and his duties

  • 4.1 Medical Box and necessary medicine items,
  • 4.2 Medical Bag
  • 4.3 Therapy Bed
  • 4.4 Moov and Electrobion, Spray,
  • 4.5 Constant health checkup,
  • 4.6 Torch Light, pen and papers,
  • 4.7 Food Schedule and awareness,
  • 4.8 Keeping record of nearby hospital and ambulances,
  • 4.9 Insurance checkup,
  • 4.10 PCMA for suspected vulnerable player,

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